How To Become A Criminal Psychologist : Step By Step Career Guide
Why do we need criminal Psychologists
Criminal Psychology is a combination of Criminal justice and human psychology. They are highly trained professionals that have grip over the subjects of criminal laws and human psychology. Through their expertise, they assists the law enforcing agencies in understanding the human psychology involved behind the criminal practices. In more clear words, the criminal psychologists assist the criminal justice system in understanding the reason behind the conduct of a crime.
Apart from the criminals, they also work closely with the witnesses of a crime scene. While working on the witnesses, the prime responsibility of a criminal psychologist is to determine the efficacy of a witness. They determine the mental health conditions of a witness and assist the courts whether the witness can be considered as legitimate or not.
Criminal psychologists are key players of the criminal justice system. They combine the empirical evidence of a crime with their training and education to ensure that the justice is served.
Work Environment
Who Are Criminal Psychologists Employed By?
Educational Requirements
What do you learn in criminal psychologist degree
During the course work of the degree, there will be different subjects which you will be learning. Interested in knowing about the details that you will learn during your degree? Keep reading, in the upcoming section, we will be discussing about the courses that you are going to learn during your degree.
- Biology
In the biology course, the students will learn about the impact biological factors on the human decision making. For example, if a person had faced a trauma during his childhood he is likely to fear and take decisions accordingly. So, the students will be taught about examining the medical history of a person in certain way that can determine his patterns of decision
- Psychology
During the course of psychology, the students will learn about the emergence of pattern behaviors. The students shall also learn about the way in which life experiences can impact the decision making process of a human being.
- Sociology
Sociology is an important factor of criminal justice system. The students will learn about the ways in which societies see crimes and criminals. The punishments set for a crime is primarily driven by the social factor and they society determines the punishment for a crime. You will get an understanding of how the punishments are influenced by the society.
- Criminology
During the course of criminology, the students will learn about different theories of criminology. The course of criminology will cover traditional as well as modern theories and will examine how these theories are applicable in the criminal justice system.
- Legal System
The students will also learn about the different trends of legal system and it history. The history section of the course work will cover the evaluation of criminal justice system over the time. The trends of legal system will enlighten the students about the developments that have taken place in the legal system.
How To Become A Criminal Psychologist
How To Become A Criminal Psychologist
Criminal Psychologist Education Requirements
Earn A Bachelor Degree
Earn A Master Degree
Gain Experience
Obtain A License
- Hold a doctoral degree
- Have at least one year of experience of work in field
- Pass the exam to obtain the license
- Get a license
- Become board certified
- May apply for additional certifications
- Candidates need 1000 hours of post doctoral experience and 100 additional hours in field of forensic psychology to become certified criminal psychologist.
Become Board Certified
Though not an absolute necessity for training, forensic psychologists might desire to apply for professi
onal certification with the American Board of Forensic Psychology (ABFP). The Diploma in Forensic Psychology in the ABFP is the only certificate for psychologists. ABFP certificate applicants complete 1,000 hours of knowledge and at least 100 hours of schooling within the specialty, be certified in their jurisdiction of training, and should hold a degree from a training program.
Internship Or Experience
In order to get license, a person must work at least one year in the field. Experience can be gained through internships, clinical practice or residencies. If you are in enrolled in a university and you are willing to gain some experience, you are advised to contact the Students placement department of your university. Many of the universities in US are helping out their students for getting the relevant experience by assisting them in finding the appropriate institutions through which they can gain experience.
Here are some of the suggested institutions from which you can gain the relevant experience
- Any of the government institution working in the area of criminal psychology at local, state and federal level
- Private consulting Firms
- Prisons
- Hospitals
- Courts
- Police department
Government Issued License
It is important for people who are working as criminal psychologist to meet the requirements of government issued licensed.
Usually the requirements for a person who is willing to get the license are:
- To have a doctoral degree
- Must have completed an internship for gaining experience
- At least have one year of professional experience.
If you are interested in applying for the license, you will have to go through a test. if you pass the test, you will be awarded with the license for a certain period of time. Once that duration is over, you will have to attend some lectures for the renewal of your license.
American Board of Forensic Psychology Certified
Though not an absolute necessity for training, forensic psychologists might desire to apply for professional certification with the American Board of Forensic Psychology (ABFP)
Complete Continuing Education
Though you might have become a successful criminal psychologist for the time being but your future success depends on your emphasis on continuing education. With each passing day, the laws criminal justice system are changing and this requires a criminal psychologist to remain familiar with these changing trends.
Continuing education in the field of criminal psychology will not only help you remain up to date with the changing laws but it will also improve your expertise through which you can attain excellence in the field or criminal psychology.
Key skills needed :

How Much Does A Criminal Psychologist Make : Salary
Wages & Employment Trends
Median wages (2018) | $37.01 hourly, $76,990 annual |
Employment (2018) | 162,000 employees |
Projected growth (2018-2028) | ![]() |
Projected job openings (2018-2028) | 14,600 |
Expected job growth

Challenging Aspects Of Becoming A Criminal Psychologist:

Frequently Asked Questions
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American Academy of Forensic Psychology
American Board of Forensic Psychology
American College of Forensic Psychology
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