Top 10 Good Minors For Criminal Justice Majors
Choosing a college minor sometimes becomes an overwhelming task. Students choose different routes in choosing their minors. Some opt for entirely new subjects to increase their capacities while others pick minors that enhance their major. If you are someone who falls into the second category, then this article is for you.
No matter what their reasons, choosing what to minor in is a difficult task; there are many things to consider. However, if one has major and/or special interests in the criminal justice field, what can they do with a minor in criminal justice ?
The good news for those interested in what can you do with a minor in criminal justice is that this minor requires only 18 hours of class work which means it may just fall within your university’s restrictions on how much you can take as a “minor.” Also good news for those not looking at pursuing law school as what you will learn as an undergraduate will be beneficial when pursuing legal studies later on or if you intend to work closely with lawyers during your entire career.
As what can you do with a minor in criminal justice , what you learn will be helpful in several fields. Some of these are law enforcement, social work, public service, government agencies and private corporations.
The what can you do with a minor in criminal justice covers what is inside the major’s course. This means that what you learn under this curriculum includes victimology study which teaches students how victims operate when they are faced with crimes. Students are taught how to become good researchers for crime cases by learning criminal psychology which integrates different branches of knowledge such as criminology, sociology, English literature and many more to give meaning when it comes to studying certain areas in society. Victimology also provides an understanding about what criminals feel and what their personalities are like.
Graduates may work as probation officers or parole lawyers for courts and other law enforcement agencies which seek to rehabilitate criminals into normal citizens once more through intensive counseling or whatever major focus is deemed suitable for the individuals. This what can you do with a minor in criminal justice .
Criminal justice degree can make itself open many job opportunities for you, but with the right minors, it will give you an extra boost and improve your resume for the future. There are many good minors for criminal justice majors, but you have to work strategically to get the maximum benefits out of it.
It would be best if you pre planned the job and specific category you want to pursue. Once you choose it, the process becomes smooth and precise. Work backward and see what minors will give you benefits if you will be working in that specific department.
Here is a list of some of the best minors for criminal justice majors, which you should consider. According to their interests, minor subjects listed below are not according to their effectiveness but how students opt for them in their majors. If you are still unsure what to choose, picking one or two of these will save your future.
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For law enforcement agencies like state police or county sheriff’s office, what you will need is a major in criminology with a minor in psychology (most positions also require at least two years of full time work experience). A degree like this gives you the opportunity to provide critical information during investigations by forecasting what perpetrators might do next. You’ll contribute ideas to help solve crimes faster while strengthening community relations; solving crimes helps make the streets safer.
In what is called a “flat world” where increasingly more jobs are being outsourced overseas, criminal justice majors find opportunities outside the borders of their country as well. In what is called an “intelligence analyst”, what you will need is a major in criminology with a minor in either Arabic or Spanish (if your job responsibilities require proficiency of one of these languages). A degree like this offers you the chance to work closely with both local and foreign government officials investigating terrorist organizations, drug cartels and other international crime syndicates.
While what can be done about crime has blossomed into a multilayered process, what it takes to get there remains largely unchanged. To pursue a career in law enforcement or become an intelligence analyst, what you will need is a major in criminology with a minor in psychology . This gives you what it takes to enter the criminal justice field.
As the world continues to become increasingly more digitized, what can be done about crime has blossomed into a multilayered process where your major and minor play an important role. What it takes to get there remains largely unchanged: if you want to work as part of law enforcement agencies like state police or county sheriff’s office , what you’ll need is a major and minor in criminology and psychology; if what you will want to do is join terrorist organizations, drug cartels or other international crime syndicates, what you’ll need is a major and minor in criminology
Top 10 Best Minors for Criminal Justice Major
Foreign Language
Foreign language opens many options for students of criminal justice, as it helps them understand the culture, political system, media, and literature of that country. Many institutes offer French, Spanish, German, English, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and Japanese.
For most of the college, previous knowledge of a language is not required, which means that choosing a foreign language is available for everyone. Although a minor won’t provide in-depth knowledge, it helps you in understanding and speaking fluently.
Foreign language has many plus points in the criminal system because of law enforcement agencies globally. Some are entirely operating all over the world. It is essential for them to communicate with the subjects to avoid any barriers during the investigation.
Political Science
Political science, as a minor, helps students in understanding government and political systems in detail. The subject explores topics like political theory, international relations, cooperative politics, and more. Students will learn about the different political systems worldwide, analyze policy construction, and its consequences. Practical argument skills are taught writing, speaking, and critical thinking.
After completion, students can understand the political framework and policy-making skills. The minor provides a strong foundation in government affairs and research. It is beneficial for those individuals working in public, local, state, and federal agencies who need to know their policies will affect the general public.
Criminology is the most suited minor for criminal justice minors. It is the study of crime where individuals study, research, and analyze crimes and deviant behaviors. The subjects educate how, when, why, and where of the crimes and promote critical thinking.
Criminology has many similarities with the criminal justice program; many institutes do not offer both of these subjects. Studying criminology as a minor won’t give in-depth knowledge, but it will broaden the students’ perspective, and they will be well prepared in their practical field.
Psychology is the brain’s study, how it works and reacts to things and emotions around him and inside him. Students learn different aspects of psychology, like social, cognitive, abnormal, and personality development. There are many career paths that you can take after taking this major in college.
The minor in psychology is useful to criminal justice major individuals because there are various jobs in the criminal justice system, which require the ability to understand the human mind and how it works. Precisely, understanding how factors influence the actions and decision making.
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Sociology teaches the structure and social groups within a society. Various topics are covered in the sociology minor such as social groups and how they interact with one another, which helps develop a better understanding of different cultures.
Having a minor in criminal justice will help you in the long run, as the job environment pushes you to interact with people of different ethnicity. Having background knowledge about different cultures helps you in understanding the subjects. It will also help you if you are working on an international level. The interaction becomes more accessible, and understanding and analyzing the criminal’s behavior become quicker.
Forensic Science
Forensic science is applying methods of the natural and physical sciences to matters of criminal and civil law. It finds out the crimes using unique methods. Having a minor in forensic science for criminal justice students is very beneficial; it teaches those methods and techniques which in the future can help them solve problems more quickly.
After studying the subject, students can understand how to resolve specific cases like rape, murder, trafficking at a much quicker pace. Many can become crime scene investigators or researchers.
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A law minor teaches the ground knowledge and introduces the legal system subjects like lawmaking, litigation, basic legal research, and legal interpretation and analysis. Students are given tasks which they have to resolve as a lawyer would do. Emphasis is placed on the ethical and practical considerations that influence lawyers, prosecutors, judges and legislators, and on issues of constitutional law and criminal procedure. The course will teach the students the basic concepts of legal systems.
Having a minor will increase the understanding of the individuals about their jobs as criminal justice employees. They will better understand law and sanctions. Analyze the ethical, practical, and theoretical challenges and limits of that underpin the American legal system. It will also help them in resolving issues much quicker.
Besides these, other minors are not directly related to criminal justice. These minors are for those students who want to go the extra mile and expand their horizons.
Computer Science
Computer science is a technical subject in which students learn the computer system’s functions and different operations. The methods are used to solve complex problems at a faster speed. The course focuses on the latest programming language and how to utilize it in their lives effectively.
The minor includes the basics of all computers. It is more task-based rather than written work. With the increase in tech and internet usage, criminal patterns have also changed. Criminals are using new means to get away with their wrongdoings. For that, it is essential to have a degree in computer science or a minor in it. The students who take computer sciences as a minor usually wish to pursue the software core, engineering department, cyber crime department, or checking up on bitcoins regulation.
Accounting & Finance
A minor in accounting & finance is a plus for students who are doing majors in criminal justice. The Minor in Accounting and Finance will give you valuable insight into financial accounting, management accounting, and corporate finance. The subject offers students to enhance their knowledge in a field which is growing with time.
There has been an increase in criminal justice officers who work on crimes related to white-collar jobs. This clearly shows that there has been an increase in criminal cases. Having a minor in the field will help detectives in understanding or analyzing complex white-collar crimes. The career path which many students take after completion is in forensic accounting, which requires the skills of both; criminal justice and accounting & finance.
Is College Minor Worth The Effort?
Being indecisive about choosing a minor is a common problem many individuals face before getting into college. Many students want to focus on their majors and not let the minors take away time and attention. However, there are many benefits of having a minor in your degree.
Having a minor in your degree opens doors for jobs and different career paths if you wish to pursue in the future. It helps individuals in organizing their time to the fullest and making something out of it. It also helps students learn about the subjects overall without going into detail, which saves a lot of time and energy.
However, individuals need to consider the drawbacks as well before choosing the minor. The first drawback is that it will not make you a better candidate for the job. Having a minor improves your knowledge and understanding without giving career benefits for some graduates having a minor means distracting yourself from your goal.
Although it has some of the disadvantages, making the right choices does not waste your energy. Having a set goal and then choosing a minor that somehow is linked to the major helps better understand the subject. It is a smart idea to choose subjects that overlap your major subject. It will help you stand out while applying for jobs.
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An overview of Criminal Justice Degree Programs
Criminal Justice degree programs are the coursewares placed to learn processes and procedures as provided by the government to control crime and establish law and order. Without rules to prevent crime, no civilization can sustain and flourish. The entire set of criminal justice includes law enforcement, the courts and the prison system. After having a criminal justice degree, a person can practice the profession as a corrections officer, probation officer, police officer, detective, or working as a security administrator or immigration. Depending upon the interest of working on a federal level as a crime investigator one can make a career in the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Options For Criminal Justice Learning:
Anyone interested in making career forth in criminology and criminal justice may pursue Associate of Science in criminal justice. This degree helps students make a career in the police force, law enforcement, security, corrections and other related areas and fields. More students go for an Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice, that provides in-depth information on how law enforcement agencies like as correctional institutions and courts function. For more broaden learning, a student even can go for a bachelor’s in criminal justice. As a bachelor’s in criminal justice is rewarding and let a student explore the criminal justice system with a focused attitude, however, for pursuing courses in crime management or law enforcement one need to have a higher degree in will often wish to pursue a higher degree in criminal justice.
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